Better late than the 12th of Never....

Hello blogosphere, world, interwebs...I am FINALLY blogging!

I have only been meaning to do this, for, I dunno...since the 12th of Forever Ago.

This is my first post. Just to see how it feels to throw some thoughts out into the world.

I am a reader first; a writer and editor second; a loud laugher third (seriously, if you know me IRL, as the kids say, you have been embarrassed by my laugh in a public place. And if you haven't been yet, you will be.); a cat fanatic fourth; a Bill Murray obsessive get the idea. Any and all of these topics will be fair game for this blog.

Because I am a reader above all else, herewith is a list of the books I am reading and/or trying to start reading:

What are you reading (besides my awesome new blog, obvs)?


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