You Probably Haven't Heard of Poe Ballantine. Now You Have.

Hello dear readers!

Life has gotten very busy of late. Haven't meant to neglect this blog.

At any rate, I finished a great book last week and I feel really strongly about telling you all about it (as per usual).

It was Whirlaway, by Poe Ballantine, one of America's best-kept secrets. This happens a lot with stuff I like--I rave about it to people, and they're like, "Who?"

I found Poe Ballantine in The Sun Magazine (another thing you should know about if you don't), years ago. He writes the way I often think. I recognize a lot of myself in him. Which is weird, cos I am not a male, an incurable nomad, a mercenary dishwasher, or even that much of a frustrated writer. I do have a sense of the absurdity of life though, and Poe always hits that particular nail right on the head.

Poe Ballantine is the kind of left-of-the-dial guy you'd really wanna sit down with in some dive somewhere and have a beer, and just listen to him talk about stuff. Like Tom Waits, or Bill Murray.

I read his latest novel in about 3 nights, which means I couldn't help myself, which means it was really, really good. A character study of a guy named Eddie Plum, Whirlaway takes us up and down the west coast of America and Mexico, on a tour of dives, diners, dumps, horse tracks, and mental institutions. There could be a serial killer in here; there is definitely a gut-punch ending.

I won't spoil it for you, but I will just say, it's a hell of a ride, and one you should take very, very soon. And let me know what you think when you do! Happy reading!


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