"Aloha Mr. Hand..." (AKA, "What I've (not) been doing on my summer vacation")

Well, I've definitely not been blogging. I did what so many people do--started a blog and then neglected it. I'm one of *those* people.

At any rate, to be totally honest, this summer took a long time to get here, and then hasn't been very impressive since it arrived.

I've been a bad mood for most of it. And when I'm in a bad mood, I don't read as much. I write even less. This has been Judy Moody's Big Bummer Summer, guys.

There have been bits of not-bummer in it, but they've been few and far between. As I write this, we're on our third consecutive day of gray and rain, and I actually had to look for pants to wear yesterday. Pants. In July. This is way deep in my "Bogus" bag guys, and it's zip-locked shut.

I go on vacation in 3 weeks and if that sucks too, I am officially declaring it fall. Summer is cancelled. Due to lack of not sucking.

At any rate, speaking of things that have not been sucky bummers, here we have my favorite book of the season so far, Lauren Groff's, Florida.

I bought this. In hardcover. Signed. Paid full price. At an independent bookstore.
Goldstar for bookworm.

What an introduction, right? Hardly does it justice. I loved Fates and Furies (read it if you haven't) and short stories are my favorite, so when I heard this one was coming out, I was super stoked. And that stokedness was not at all misplaced. I didn't even wait for it at the library (ahem, any one of the 3 libraries I go to), I just bought it.

Lauren Groff is one of those writers who is so good, I don't even feel qualified to write about her writing. If you like Karen Russell (and don't tell me if you don't--I. Love. Her.) pick this one up.

In the meantime, dear readers, hope your waves are tasty, and your buzz cool.


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